Our experts are engaged in professional and research capacities to localize the sustainable development agenda in the MENA region. We work on reviews and consultations over the MDGs and the SDGs and on reporting on their progress in a variety of sectors. We also research the impact of conflict in the region on the progress towards 2030. But mostly we value our bottom-up approaches to local development that aim at building community-based programing, local development plans, empowering local communities (especially women to engage) in policy making, supporting local municipal visions, establishment of urban observatories, and negotiating the duties and responsibilities of the different local and national level actors.  Our experts have experiences in different countries in the MENA region, and we have a thorough reading of the local contexts and a deep understanding of risks and opportunities.

Our services in this field include: 

Research & Analysis 

Scenario Development 


Stakeholder Engagement 

Monitoring & Evaluation

Related Works

Year:  2017 - 2018

Client:  ESCWA – United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia

A research and policy project examines conflicts in the Arab region and their impact on the 2030 Development Agenda. We analyse historical trends, direct and indirect impacts of conflicts on development, long-term conflict patterns, future scenarios, and provide policy recommendations to achieve sustainable development and peace in the region.


Date:  24-26 April 2018

The 2018 Arab Forum for Sustainable Development in Beirut, organized by ESCWA, focused on implementing the 2030 Agenda in the Arab region. Highlights included discussions on sustainable urban planning and enhancing local governance, with Omar Abdulaziz Hallaj contributing to the discourse on resilient and inclusive city development.


Date:  30 January 2017

The Arab Climate Change Assessment Report, published by the UN ESCWA, reveals significant impacts of climate change on the Arab region's water resources and socio-economic vulnerability. Funded by Sweden and implemented through a collaborative partnership involving 11 organizations, the report informs policy dialogue and enhances regional decision-making capacity in climate adaptation.


Year:  2011 - 2014

Client:  Municipality of Saida , MedCities

A participatory project aimed at strategic urban planning in Saida, Lebanon. It involved community engagement, data collection, and analysis to develop a Strategic Framework and 27 Action Plans, focusing on socio-economic, environmental, and infrastructural improvement in alignment with the city's vision.


Year:  1996 - 2002

Client:  JICA - Japan International Cooperation Agency 

A study on Syria's water crisis reveals critical challenges, including a rising water deficit, pollution, inefficient management, and underdeveloped infrastructure. Recommendations include improved water demand control, pollution reduction, and enhanced resource management. Despite existing strategies, implementation and enforcement are lacking, necessitating urgent and decisive action for sustainable water management.

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