We work from the bottom up with local communities to aggregate available assets, engage stakeholders, create synergies and multipliers. We help local authorities to develop both supply and demand-side incentives and planning instruments, and we support them to develop partnerships with civil society and businesses. We understand that stakeholders have different valuation priorities, so we support them to negotiate win-win concepts and prepare feasibility studies for projects. Supporting women as economic actors is an essential pillar of local development; we ensure that their participation and priorities are incorporated into every step of the process. 

Our services in this field include: 

Research & Analysis 

Scenario Development 


Stakeholder Engagement 

Capacity Building

Monitoring & Evaluation

Related Works

Date:  23-24 May 2024

We speak at the "Economic Empowerment and Sustainability Conference in Syria" in Istanbul, emphasizing the importance of microfinance in fostering economic resilience and sustainability in Syria, highlighting its role in early recovery and in creating employment and leveraging local resources.


Date:  2 April 2024

An article examines the role of urban centrality in economic accumulation and its impact on urban-rural divides, highlighting how these dynamics contribute to civil unrest and complicate post-conflict recovery. It advocates for decentralized governance and economic inclusivity to bridge these divides and foster sustainable peace and development.


Date:  June 2021

Publisher:  GCSP – Geneva Center for Security Policy

A research project report on Syria's political economy highlights the ineffectiveness of externally induced political transitions and sanctions, emphasizing the need for local empowerment and fiscal decentralization. It underscores the importance of shifting from top-down aid approaches to sustainable, community-based strategies to reform Syria's entrenched political and economic systems.


Date:  March 2019

Publisher:  LSE – London School of Economics

Summary of 2 presentations at the LSE conference highlight the complexities of property rights and urban planning laws in post-conflict Syria, emphasizing the challenges in housing and land management, and discussing the political economy of local elections, noting their role in reinforcing the regime's patronage network, rather than promoting fair representation or democracy.


Year:  2010 - 2012

Client:  Syria Trust for Development 

A project to support the Syria Trust for Development to establish Al-Wataniya Micro-Finance Bank in Syria. This pioneering project aimed to empower economically active individuals by providing access to microfinance services. We help with conceptualizing, strategizing, and ensuring the institution's compliance with central bank regulations.

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